5 Astonishing Facts about the Dental Implant recovery process

5 Astonishing Facts about the Dental Implant recovery process

While dental implant surgery in Wheaton, IL may be frightening for some, it is completely worth it, and the recovery time is usually not that long, making this a good investment. Recovery time varies based on the individual and the specific surgery in terms of problems or number of implants, but it usually takes a week to see a significant improvement in symptoms. At Arden Dental Center, patients are provided dental implants by efficient and expert dentists.

Facts About the Dental Implant Recovery Process in Wheaton, IL

Recovery Time Will Vary
The recovery duration of your dental implant is mostly determined by the number of implants you have received. Because the healing period for various teeth varies, the recovery time for numerous implants is frequently longer than the recovery time for a single tooth implant.

Diet for Dental Implant Recovery
Be cautious about what you eat; try not to upset the clot while it is mending the wounds in your mouth. As a result, avoid carbonated beverages and alcohol whenever possible, and sip using a straw whenever practical. For a few days, it will be difficult to chew or eat properly because it may irritate the operated area, however, you can eat soft, mushy foods such as beans, bananas, fish, avocado.

Bone Grafting
Bone grafts are required if your jaw bone is not strong or thick enough to withstand the tension of an implant, particularly the pressure exerted by an All-On-4. If your bone thickness and/or strength are inadequate, you may require a bone graft. This will delay recovery by at least a few weeks, with most discomfort diminishing after a month or two. Call us to learn more.

Sinus Lift
Another factor that could lengthen recovery time is sinus lift. Your dentist may recommend that the sinus around the molars and premolars be elevated to accommodate the extra bone after a closer look. This would help to enhance the upper jaw with bone but would lengthen the recovery time for dental implants.

The success or failure of dental implant treatment is determined by osseointegration. It all depends on how quickly your body adapts to the screw's positioning. Because the jawbone takes time to absorb the new implant, the process differs from patient to patient. In addition, if the body takes time to acclimatize to the implant, the recovery time may be extended.
Schedule an appointment with Arden Dental Center to learn more about taking care of your oral health. We are located at 531 E. Roosevelt Road, Suite 100, Wheaton, IL 60187. Contact our team at (630) 529-0303 or visit our website to book a consultation.


531 E Roosevelt Road, Suite 100,
Wheaton, IL 60187

Fax: (630) 477-0483

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